We Are About Relationships...

with Christ, with one another, and with God's hurting world.

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Christ United Methodist Church welcomes and values everyone, no exceptions. We strive to show the hospitality of Jesus Christ to persons of all ages, genders, races, sexual orientations, economic situations, and abilities. Believing that life is better together, we invite you to share  your God-given gifts in this community of faith to spread God's love in our world.


"Welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God." - Romans 15:7


At Christ UMC, Sunday mornings give you several chances to connect and meet with others. 

9:15 AM     Children/Youth/Adult Sunday School

10:30 AM   In-Person/LiveStream Worship



Our Staff

At Christ UMC we are blessed to have a staff of passionate, creative, talented, and dedicated folks who love this church and our mission here. The Christ UMC pastoral and administrative staff embody the ideas of relationships. Get to know us a little bit by clicking on the link above.